I was Art Director, Lead Illustrator, Character Designer, Animator and Voice Actor while working for the small startup, Hullabalu. We were creating a children's App for iOS devices called, The Adventures of Pan. It followed the story of Pan, a small purple panda who lived in the clouds. She had lost her parents at a young age and was being raised by her grandfather. She finds out by eavesdropping that her parents may still be alive and thus sneaks away off the clouds to go on a magical journey to find them. There were dozens of characters to be created, animated and voiced for this project and I was responsible for about 80% them. Each book also had intro and outro movies which were storyboarded, illustrated, animated and voiced mostly by me. There of course were our talented engineers who built the App and the proprietary animation engine we used. We also had very talented background artists to illustrate the scenes and interns who were able to fill in the gaps where needed. I only mention the many hats I wore because it was such a small production and everything was done in house with a very lean team. I learned a ton at this job and I'm very grateful for the opportunities I was allowed to explore so many facets of the production. The Complete Adventures of Pan is available to download in the App Store.
Built using Adobe Creative Suite 

Apple TV Top Shelf Banners

Intro Movie Stills

Loading Screens

Book 5 Promotional Poster

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